感覺統合Sensual integration是甚麼??誰需要感覺統合訓練?Who need it?
(1) 對觸覺、動覺、視覺、聲音過度敏感。
(2) 對觸覺、動覺、視覺、聲音反應不足。
(3) 專注力問題、容易分心、坐不住、發呆恍神。
(4) 人際互動和情緒問題。
(5) 活動量過高或過低。
(6) 動作笨拙或明顯地漫不經心。
(7) 衝動,缺乏自制力。
(8) 轉換環境、情境很困難。
(9) 無法讓自己安靜下來。
(10) 語言或動作發展遲緩。
(11) 自我概念差。
(12) 學業成就落後。
A Study on Sensory Integration Training for Autistic Children Using Movement-Based Exercise Game
自閉症兒童動作能力的表現比正常發展的兒童要遲緩,因此透過運動進行感覺統合對於情緒安定與肢體動作之訓練有顯著且必要性。體感互動技術的出現對於動作能力的發展,提供創新趣味的運動訓練途徑,同時可以增進視聽覺多感官的刺激。基於感覺統合與運動訓練之理論,提出以肢體動作做為人機介面,可以提升動作控制能力,並達到身心愉悅的使用經驗。以增進良好四肢協調、速度、耐力、平衡、反應靈敏等協調性動作計劃能力為目的,設計運動遊戲「隧道旅行」、「沙灘排球」,並邀請台北縣永和國小12名特教班自閉症兒童參與一週遊戲活動。本研究參與式觀察記錄研究個案在遊戲中的操作行為,與專家訪談探討個案特徵與遊戲中的動作、情緒、行為反應之關聯。在實際遊戲觀察證實透過視訊攝影機所提供的情境體感互動環境,兒童對於能夠看到自己影像並與數位影像進行互動感到新鮮,因而激勵兒童自主性的參與活動。運用本身的肢體來完成遊戲所給予的任務,能夠加強他們的注意力,對於刺激兒童感官發展和反應靈敏之相互協調性是有積極且正面的影響。在與他人共同遊戲的過程中,有助於增進人際互動及語言情緒發展。Children with autism often have sensory integration problems. Though the physical activity, they can improve motor skill and learn how to express emotion. Recently many researches emphasized that the physical interactive technology provides intuitive interface, useful for users to interact with the object in a digital environment. This new technology creates a funny virtual environment that can encourage users to make more body movement. This paper presented the idea about the movement-based exercise games (exergaming) - “Tunnel Traveling” and ”Beach Volleyball”, those were created with a physical interface, by which users could interact with the system through their movement. According to the theory of human sensory integration, those games were designed to enhance the sensory integration of users. The games had been manipulated by 12 autistic students of YongHe elementary school in Taipei. The result indicated this game of training action is good for the development of sensory and cognition capacity of children. They had high levels of interest or motivation to participate in games. Physical games for cooperative play increased the chances to promote the interactions among the child with autism.
資料出處:高鈺涵臺北科技大學創新設計研究所學位論文 ; 2008年 (2008 / 01 / 01)